Thursday, April 25, 2013

Youngmin (Boyfriend) Love Story : FATE part 1 (English Version)

“Quick Kim! That one! That’s the member of  Boyfriend, the one that is so handsome!!” shout Taru. “Which one??” asked Kimei. “Ugh..that one, that is Youngmin!! The one that uses blue jacket!!” replied Taru loudly. Krikk..Kim succeeded to take a picture of Youngmin. Yes, Taru asked Kimei help, because Taru is a short girl, so it’s hard for her to take a photo ofYoungmin in the middle of the crowd. On the other side Kimei is a girl that is quite tall. The arrival of Boyfriend in the airport is very astonishing, where there’s many BestFriends (the call for Boyfriend’s fan club) also are in the crowd there. “Hey..hey open the way for Boyfriend! Don’t be in the way!!!” said one of the security in the airport. “Aaaa…at least seeing Youngmin directly is beautiful :’)” said Taru, the short girl. “No need to be hyperbole !” replied Kimei giving the camera back to Taru with a sarcasm look. Both of them went back to Faxe Café with bus. Yes, Faxe Café is their workplace. Faxe Café is a place where Korea stars spend their time there.
Kimei and Taru got in using the backdoor of the Café. “Ok!Breaktime for both of you are over! There’s already some drinks and food that are ready for both of you to deliver!” said Ms. Fei, the manager of the café. She gives a tray with some coffee on the top to Kimei. “Here! Kimei! Take it to the table number 10!” ordered her. Kimei takes the tray from Ms. Fei and directly go to the table number 10. Unexpected, Boyfriend is sitting on that table. “No way..” she said in her heart. She took a step slowly and nervously. Her eye focus are on Youngmin. She has just realized that Youngmin is really handsome. She is being unfocus until she suddenly tripped over her own shoelaces and…….THE COFFEES FELL ON YOUNGMIN’S SHOULDER AND SPILLED OVER HIS BLUE JACKET! Youngmin directly stand up which made Kimei shocked and shouted to Kimei, “Where are actually your eyes?? On your knee??Huh?Now what do you wanna do with my dirty blue jacket?!?”, Youngmin is feeling really furious because it’s his favourite jacket and because his shoulders are very hot. “Umm..sor..rry..iii..ii”. “WHAT?!?, the point is I don’t want to go to this Café again no matter what! WHAT A BAD SERVICE!!” Youngmin and the other members of Boyfriend went out of the Café. “Oh mygosh..what have I done?!” said Kimei in the heart.“KIMEI!!WHAT’S ALL THIS!!YOU HAVE MADE MY THE CAFÉ LOST IT’S REPUTATION!!NOW YOU’RE FIRED!!” shouted Ms.Fei. “Ms..i..beg you..please”, “NO!NOW GET YOUR BAG !!YOU’RE FIRED!!”. With a sad and embarrassed heart Kimei run to her locker, she passed Taru who is making a cup of coffee. “Kim….”said TaruKimei don’twanna answer her…she is already sad and embarrassed.
She cried all the way home. She is confused what to say to her father. “What have I done? These eyes are should be the one who needs to be scolded, because of focusing on Youngmin…not me..” she cried.
When she arrived at home, her little brother, Sunju opened the door. “What an unusual thing for you to go home fast. What happened to your eyes?”. “My eyes are hurt, so I get a permission from Ms. Fei to go home, just go now…leave me alone!” Kim quickly climbed the stairs to go to her bedroom. She cried for so long, until she doesn’t realize that she fell asleep. “Kim…Kimei..Kim…Kim..” that sound was heard in her ear. She woke up and realized that it’s her father’s voice, “Kim what happened to you?!? Sunju said that your eyes are swollen”. “’re not going to be angry right if I said this?” asked Kimei in a low voice. “Yes I won’t be angry…it’s okay..I promise I won’t be mad”. “Dad..ii..i..ii..i am fired because of something…”Kimei told all the story to her father. She cried, but her father tried to comfort her. “Kim…everybody makes mistakes, but you can’t always be sad and slumped all the time..”. Even if Kimei is already quite comforted now, she keeps thinking to find a job, but she doesn’t now where to work. On the next day, she starts to find a job. But when she went out through the main door, her father called, “Kim!Kim!”, Kim turned back, “Yes dad?What’s the matter?”. Her Father gives her that day’s morning newspaper and she broke out with a big smile. Kim quickly hugged her father and can’t hold her tears of joy. In that newspaper she saw a job waiting for her, even if it’s just to be a maid, but the salary that she’s going to get are very many. And she is very happy .

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